


laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standa.rds

Taiwan officially entered the "old age society", that is, the elderly population broke through 14% of the total population, equivalent to 3.22 million people. About one in seven people is over 65 years old. The care for the silver-haired people is urgent, and the nutrition Care can not be ignored. In order to let the elderly eat healthy, they can also increase muscle fat and vitality. Guiguan Industrial cooperates with Yangming University to provide healthy and nutritious dishes for the matured people, and open up new opportunities for vitality!

Nutrition is the cornerstone of life, and daily diet health is the key to healthy aging and active aging. Everyone should pay attention to the issue of nutrition and health promotion for the elderly, and work together towards the new generation of nutrition. President Guo Xuyu said that academic achievements must have a positive contribution to society. This cooperation between Yangming and Laurel is an example of cross-border cooperation between biomedical research and the food industry. It also hopes to create brilliant results of cross-border cooperation!

Wang Zhengming, Chairman of Guiguan Industrial, said that the cooperation between the two sides will continue to design experiments and verify the common health problems of middle-aged and elderly people. It is expected that the two sides will combine their areas of expertise and produce dietary methods that are helpful to the human body. effect. Through the unique taste of the food, combined with Yangming University's many years of professional training in health and nutrition medicine, in order to provide a convenient, healthy, nutritious and delicious food service in 2019, to benefit more mature consumers, eat The nutrition is healthy and delicious.


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