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laennecAngelica is a commonly used medicine for traditional Chinese medicine. The most commonly used soup for women is the “Siwutang”, which also has the medicinal material of Angelica. It has the functions of nourishing blood and regulating menstruation, improving blood circulation, regulating blood and health, and cardiovascular. If you want to buy Angelica, how do you choose herbs? The following tells you how to choose and save Angelica.

Where is Angelica bought?
Traditional markets, supermarkets, Chinese pharmacies.

laennecHow to choose Angelica
The epidermis is brownish red, the section is pale yellow, the brown oil spots are distributed and the odor is better, and the color is too white may be the result of chemical treatment. If you choose not to slice, you should choose the main root is thick and the roots are small.

How to save angelica
Pay attention to problems such as mildew, moisture, and insects; such as angelica, which contains volatile oil, fat or sugar, it is best to seal it, store it in a dry and cool place, or refrigerate it in the refrigerator.

laennecLaennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.


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