






laennecDue to the hot weather, the number of people seeking treatment for distiller's grains has also increased by 30%. According to Qiu Pinqi, a dermatologist, the pathogenic factors of distiller's grains are many, and the pathogenesis is complicated, including the immune system, ultraviolet rays, genes, worms, and defects in the function of the epidermis barrier. Especially this year, the weather is particularly hot, and it is the distiller's grains. Good season. Dr. Lin Zhengxian also said that according to the study, the number of worms on the face of distiller's patients is on average 4 to 10 times higher than that of normal people.

A 30-year-old Miss Cai said that she has suffered from redness of her skin and pimples on her cheeks in the past 8 to 10 years. In the past, she has been looking for treatments in the North, Central and South China, and even at the cost of buying health care products. However, it was delayed to see the effect. Finally, relying on steroids to treat the distiller's grains, the symptoms were suppressed. However, as long as the steroids were stopped, the symptoms would be very unstable.

Dr. Lin Zhengxian, who was admitted to the above case, said that Miss Cai is a more serious distiller's disease patient. She used to take steroids for the treatment of facial inflammatory reactions and became a typical "steroid addiction" patient. It is recommended to stop steroid treatment and try to use new insect resistance. Two months after the treatment of distiller's cream and oral tetracycline, the patient's facial flushing, microvascular and papular conditions gradually eased, and the severity was only two or three percent.

According to the statistics of 700 distiller's patients in foreign countries, more than 60% of patients have neurological symptoms including tension, insomnia, anxiety, depression, horns, disease and fantasy. Dermatologist Qiu Pinqi said that patients affected by distiller's grains Appearance, so it is more prone to depression, low self-confidence, and invisible psychological pressure and shadow.

The rosacea dermatitis occurs between the ages of 30 and 60. The male to female ratio is 1:3. It is a chronic and recurrent dermatitis. The common symptoms are facial microvascular dilatation, flushing, or acne-like. Pimples. Because the virulence factors are complex, and most patients do not understand this, they often mistakenly treat acne or acne.

According to Dr. Qiu Pinqi, distiller's grains are a very difficult dermatitis. With the advancement of medicine, the discovery of new treatment machines has made medicated patients have more treatment options. But the right diagnosis and treatment is the only way to fight against vinasse. Many patients mistake the distiller's grains for allergies or acne, buy drugs at will, cause the condition to accelerate, or when they are treated, they face a temporary deterioration. Give up, and hereby appeal to patients to be patient, to cooperate well with physicians, to comply with treatment, and to believe that symptoms can be controlled and improved.

Dr. Lin Zhengxian reminded that the maintenance of patients with distiller's grains should be as simple and gentle as possible, reduce skin irritation or allergies; in food, avoid spicy and irritating foods and alcoholic beverages; in addition, due to sun exposure, emotional stress, stress, overheating Or too cold environment, etc., it is easy to make the distiller's grains more serious, so avoid risk factors as much as possible to reduce the chance of distiller's grains attack and re-deterioration.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.


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