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新型免疫療法針劑 對抗惡性腫瘤成效佳


Cancer is the dog's first cause of death! Among them, dog mammary gland tumor is the most common tumor of dogs. The domestic animal vaccine manufacturer Ruibao Gene has stepped into the field of pet cancer treatment, developed immunotherapy that can destroy the tumor microenvironment and inhibit tumor growth. In addition to the mouse animal experiment proved effective, through cooperation with the National Taiwan University of Veterinary College, in the dog breast cancer And melanoma has also been verified by clinical treatment results, which can extend the life of dogs.

Dog breast cancer occurs mostly in unligated bitch 50% will have metastasis

Lin Chenqi, an associate professor at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at National Taiwan University, said that breast cancer in dogs usually occurs without ligation. About 50% of female dogs aged 5-10 are malignant tumors, and more than half of them are metastatic. The main reason is that malignant tumors are secreted. Cytokines, which create a proper growth environment for cancer cells, cause some macrophages to become agglomerated, and in turn protect tumor cells from attack by other immune cells.

In the animal experiment of Ruibao and Dr. Lin Chenqi, an associate professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at National Taiwan University, a 10-year-old red VIP with breast cancer was treated. Five years ago, although it was surgically removed, it relapsed. The host was very distressed and decided to try the latest immunotherapy, which injected a total of six injections of immunotherapy, and has not relapsed or metastasized for more than a year and a half.

New immunotherapy injections are effective against malignant tumors

Associate Professor Lin Chenqi said that malignant tumors are like hooligans living in the body. Cytokines will build their own territory in the microenvironment suitable for growth, while attracting apostate macrophages to help cover and avoid being found by other lymphocytes. . At present, the new immunotherapy strategy is to train normal lymphocytes, to remove the atrophic macrophages, to make the tumor lose its barrier, and to sweep the malignant tumors to achieve the effect of clearing the tumor and returning the immune system to normal; Apply to pets or people, it is expected to achieve the desired therapeutic effect on solid tumors.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.


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