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How to make it not a heavy pressure, but the sweetest load? Taiwan's population is extremely ageing. According to the data, it ranks among the best in the world rankings. Population aging is not only a challenge for medical care, long-term photos, and the government system, but also a heavy burden for the next generation. According to an exclusive interview published in this week's issue. Lin Xinkai, director of the New Hospital Sports New Medical Center, discussed the articles on the topic of the elderly and pointed out the inability of the elderly and the inevitable burden on the family.

According to the contents of the publication, an 80-year-old old man, Chen Laojiao, stood on the street for a long time in the early morning of the injury, but his strength was unbearable and he suddenly fell to the ground and broke his hip. Fortunately, the operation was successful after being sent to the doctor. But since then he has had a deep shadow on walking, and now he has been in bed for more than a year. "This fall makes Chen Laojiao's physical condition worse and makes the family members who are caregivers tired."

Lin Xinkai, director of the New Hospital Sports New Medical Center, said that the problems related to the elderly are becoming more and more important, and there are also many people in the society who are accompanying their parents in the cardiology, psychiatry, urology, orthopedics, dentistry, neurology, and gastroenterology. In addition to work, I have to take care of my elderly relatives.

According to statistics, there are many common problems and diseases in the elderly, such as falls that are familiar to everyone, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, lumbar degeneration, knee joint degeneration, lack of exercise problems, etc., even dementia, three high (high blood pressure , high blood fat, high blood sugar, etc., and so on.

Among them, "The most important thing to pay attention to is falling." Dr. Lin Kaikai said.

He explained in a more incisive way, "A person may have high blood pressure for 40 years. Although his physical condition is not good, his mortality rate is low. Compared with falls and hip fractures, the fatality rate of these two is quite high, even as high as 50%." In particular, elderly people often have problems such as organ function deterioration and osteoporosis. Dr. Lin Kaikai pointed out the main point. "The cause of death is not a fracture, but it is not possible to walk normally after falling, or stay in bed for a long time, so that the sequelae appear one by one, or death due to infection."

Falling is easy to kill, but the injury may form a burden for two generations.

The reason why the elderly are prone to fall is that the muscle strength is generally insufficient. If the problem of inconvenience, stroke, bad eyes, and dementia is added, the chance of falling will increase greatly. In this regard, Lin Yikai pointed out, "Therefore, how to avoid the fall of the elders is that in addition to training the muscles themselves, caregivers and their families should pay special attention to observation."

Once the elders fall down accidentally, the care problems caused by hip surgery, hospitalization and postoperative recovery period will bring a burden to both parents and children. Dr Lin Yikai reminded, "According to observation, more than half of the elders fell at home, especially in the middle of the night." He added that the elders are prone to insomnia. In the middle of the night, they often go to the toilet, the light is dim, the mind is not so clear, and the obstacles are kicked. Causes and other reasons lead to falls.

Reduce the risk of falling What can a caregiver do?

Dr. Lin Kaikai suggested that, in view of the movement of the elderly, it is important to remove all obstacles that may cause falls, keep the ground dry, and install night lights or prepare flashlights to make the light sufficient.

In addition, if you live with an elder in an eaves, when you find that your parents have abnormal conditions, you may wish to let your parents change rooms, or if your children and parents live in the same room, and take care of them. He also advises not to save money for nursing care. The care of the people is ideal.

Start with the exercise you like, and these nutrients need to be supplemented.

In terms of muscle strength, do the weight training for the elderly, the core muscles, and strengthen the front and back of the thigh. "It can start from the sports that the elderly like, such as health exercises, Tai Chi guidance, etc." Dr. Lin Kaikai said that this is beneficial to the nerves and muscles of the elderly.

Dr. Lin Kaikai also reminded that the nutritional supplements of the elders are also necessary. In the diet, attention should be paid to vitamin D and calcium. "If you increase the bone density, it is not easy to fracture if you fall." It is a good choice to replenish the bones through injections in half a year or a year.

It is also possible to assess the health status of the elders through health checkups or visits. In particular, rehabilitation and sports medicine practitioners usually know the situation of the elderly by observing the walking posture and asking about the state of life, and effectively provide advice on family or caregivers.

The problem of the elderly is inevitable, and it should be actively faced. The elders in the family may fall due to physical deterioration, illness or medication, or external environmental factors. Being a child can be more intimate, reduce the risk of elders falling, and prevent subsequent problems. Caring for parents should not be a heavy pressure, but the sweetest load.

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